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Tuesday 23 March 2021

6 Yoga Asanas That Promise To Reduce Belly Fat

Yoga Asanas To Help You Burn Your Belly Fat 

 Best 6 Abdominal Postures

Introducing some 6 yoga asanas in front of you to help you burn belly fat for your health.  6 yoga asanas that change your daily life.

A monotonous lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits, lack of exercise, and high-stress levels are the causes of pot stomachs. The wider your stomach, the higher the risk level! There are no shortcuts to getting rid of belly fat but a proper diet with proper health can significantly reduce belly fat. Yoga is always an option if you don't want to go to the gym. This not only reduces abdominal fat but also allows your body and mind to rejuvenate.

  1. Ardha Shalabhasana 

Shalabh' means 'locust'.  This asana is also called 'Ardh Shalabhasana'...  Looks;  Hence it is called 'Shalabhasana'.  They do this asana with one foot, so this asana is also called Ardh Shalabhasana. 

Ardha Shalabhasana 6 Yoga Asanas That Promise To Reduce Belly Fat


(1) First lie face down on the floor.  Keep the chin on the ground.  

(2) Place the hands on both sides of the body near the thighs.  Keep the fist in a bent position.  They can walk with their hands under their thighs.

 (3) Slowly inhale and hold while sitting.

 (4) Now straighten the whole body and keep one foot on the ground and lift the other leg about 30 cm.

 (5) Move your legs as high as you can easily.

 (6) Now stretch the legs.  Hold this position for five to thirty seconds.  Then slowly lower the legs.

 (7) Now exhale very slowly. 

  (8) Do the same with the other foot.  Do this asana six to seven times daily.  


(1) Due to this asana, the opposite of Paschimottana, i.e. the spinal cord is twisted at the back.

(2) Bhujangasana benefits the upper part of the body;  Shalabhasana strengthens the lower limbs.

(3) This seat is beneficial in terms of expelling feces accumulated in the intestines. 

 (4) Regular practice of this asana reduces the pain of low back pain in women.  It also reduces excess fat on the knees, buttocks, waist, and abdomen. 

 (5) This asana gives good exercise to the abdomen.  They become efficient due to stress on the bladder and heart.  The blood vessels in the testicles are also strengthened by this posture.  

(6) Constipation, rheumatism, indigestion, diarrhea, heartburn, and stomach and intestinal disorders are eliminated by regular practice of this asana. 

 (7) Regular practice of this asana cures hemorrhoids, soles of the feet, and appendicitis. 

2. Purna Shalbhasana

 This asana is done by lifting both legs.  Hence, this asana is called 'Purna Shalabhasana'.  There are two types of this seat.  Both types are given below:

Purna Shalbhasana 6 Yoga Asanas That Promise To Reduce Belly Fat
* Complete Shalabhasana: Type I *

 Type 1 - Method: 

(1) First lie down on the ground with your chin resting. 

 (2) Keep both hands close to the hand, keep the thumb and forefinger (finger near the thumb) on the ground and bend the rest of the fingers.

(3) Stiffen the whole body and lift both legs as high as possible.  Do not bend the legs at the knees. 

 (4) Now stretch the ankles and lift the legs, thighs, and abdomen.

  (5) Hold this position for five to thirty seconds.  Hold your breath while in this position.

  (6) Then slowly lower your legs.  Now release the blocked breath at a very slow pace.

6 Yoga Asanas That Promise To Reduce Belly Fat
                                                            Purna Shalabhasana: Type II 

Type 2 - Action:

 (1) Do the seating position as per the first type.

  (2) Then place the palms of the hands on the ground and lift the head as shown in the picture.  


 (1) This posture strengthens the muscles of the abdomen, thighs, and legs by putting pressure on the abdominal muscles. 

 (2) Regular exercise makes the stomach, gallbladder, spleen, and bladder organs functional and healthy, and also eliminates intestinal disorders.

 (3) Indigestion is removed and gastritis is ignited. 

 (4) Reduces swelling of the feet.  

 (5) Hemorrhagic, biliary and phlegmatic diseases are cured.

 (6) The larynx becomes functional.  

  (7) Practicing this asana helps in curing diabetes and kidney diseases.

  (8) Regular practice of this asana eliminates the discomfort of women during menstruation. 

   (9) All lung disorders go away.  

   (10) This asana is a panacea for ailments like hydrocephalus, and early-stage fistula can be cured by practicing this asana. 

    (11) Increases respiratory capacity.  

    (12) It reduces belly fat and does not produce new fat. 

  3.  Bhujangasana

 In Sanskrit, Naga is called 'Bhujang'.  In this asana, the part from the ankles to the navel is bent on the ground and the part from the waist to the head is lifted with the help of the back muscles.  So the lifted part looks like a raised snake's fang;  Hence, this asana is called 'Bhujangasana' or 'Sarpasana'. 



(1) First lie down facing the ground.  Lean your chin on your chest and your forehead on the ground. 

 (2) Lighten the whole body.  Bring the palms of the hands close to the chest. 

 (3) Then he lifted the body slowly on the palms of his hands.  The upper part 

(4) The lower part of the body from the bembi will bend at the top of the waist (back) without moving at all and the body shape will look like a snake's fang, thus the upper part from the bembi is slowly lifted up.

(5) Stretch your toes and lean on the ground.  Doing so completely stretches the muscles in the back and shoulders.  Good tension on all the muscles in the abdomen.  There is also a lot of pressure on the abdomen.

  (6) Hold your breath in this sitting position and stay in the same position for six to eight seconds.  Then slowly exhale and bring the head back to its original position.  Do this seat four to six times a day. 


(1) Regular practice of this asana eliminates back ailments.  It also cures back pain.  

(2) As there is a lot of pressure on the abdominal muscles, indigestion and constipation disappear.  As a result, constipation goes away, as well as body heat increases.

  (3) Regular practice of this asana makes the ovaries and uterus of women functional and healthy.  Menstrual complaints also go away.  By doing this asana, the blood circulation in the uterus becomes proper.  This helps the delivery process to take place naturally and effortlessly.  

(4) This asana gives good exercise to the spine.  This increases its flexibility.  The abdominal muscles also become functional and the abdominal pain disorder disappears.  

(5) Regular practice of this asana increases the efficiency of the lungs.  The chest, shoulders, neck, and head become stronger and stronger.  The body shape is curvy. 

 4.  Dhanurasana 

 In this position, the body shape looks like a bow;  Hence this seat is called 'Dhanurasana'.  The body from the knees to the head bends like a bow at the back.  Also, the legs are pulled up as both hands want to hold the ankle area.  This makes the arms and legs below the knees look like the strings of a bow.  Hence the name 'Dhanurasana'.  This seat is a mixture of Bhujangasana and Shalabhasana.  In fact, this seat made up of Bhujangasana and Shalabhasana is very beneficial for the bodies.  The opposite of Halasana and Paschimottanasana is due to this Asantrayi.  

Dhanurasana  6 Yoga Asanas That Promise To Reduce Belly Fat


(1) First lie down on your stomach.  Lean your forehead on the ground.  Hold both hands close.  Relax all the muscles of the body. 

 (2) Fold the legs back from the knees.  Now lift your arms and hold the ankles of both feet with both hands as shown in the picture.

 (3) Lift the chest and head.  Chest swell. 

 (4) Keep your arms straight and upright.  Keep the legs stiff too.  This will create a beautiful convex arch of the body.  Now pull on the legs.  Along with that, the hands will also be pulled and the chest will be lifted even higher.  Hold your breath.

  (5) Wait for ten to fifteen seconds in this position.  Then exhale slowly. 

 (6) Gently move the bowed body forward-backward and left-right.  Exercise the body lightly. 

 (7) This seat should be done so that there will be no trouble.  Do this asana five or six times a day.

  Note: In this asana, the weight of the body falls on the circular area around the navel on the abdomen.  This should be done while the stomach is empty.  


(1) This asana gives a good massage to the abdomen.  It helps in relieving chronic constipation, indigestion, and various stomach ailments.

  (2) With regular practice, the hunchback of the back disappears;  Also, arthritis of the legs, knees, and hands disappears.

(3) This seat reduces fat.  Makes the intestines functional and helps improve digestion.  It also supplies a lot of blood to the abdominal organs.  So they become healthy and strong. 

 (4) Doing this asana increases respiration.  

(5) Regular practice of this asana gives the benefit of both Bhujangasana and Shalabhasana. 

 (6) This seat is an elixir for various disorders of gases and intestines.  

(7) Like Halasana, this seat makes the spine flexible.  Also, the bones become stronger.  This posture makes the pancreas function and the body produces enough insulin.  

(8) Individuals who regularly perform Halasana, Mayurasana, and Surasana; never get lazy.  Those people are always energetic and active.  They are full of enthusiasm and vigor. 

 (9) This posture is very beneficial for women, as it eliminates menstrual irregularities and reproductive system complaints. 

  5.  Makarasana

 In Sanskrit, 'Makar' means crocodile.  In this position, the body shape looks like a crocodile swimming in water;  Hence this asana is called 'Makarasan' Har. 

Makarasana 6 Yoga Asanas That Promise To Reduce Belly Fat


(1) First lie face down on your stomach. 

(2) Keep a distance between the two legs.  Keep the upper part of the toes touching the ground as shown in the picture and keep the soles of both feet facing upwards.

(3) Fold the hands to the head and show them in the picture.  Like hold the left-hand penalty with the right hand and hold the right-hand penalty with the left hand.  I.e. keep the mouth in both hands.  Keep your eyes closed, 

(4) Now in this sitting position, from the corners of the hands to the elbows, the upper part of the abdomen, thighs, and the soles of the feet should be in a straight line.  

(5) While doing this asana, relax the body, take a deep breath, remember God. 


(1) Doing this asana eliminates the laziness of sitting in the body.  All the organs of the body get rest.

  (2) Increases respiration and keeps the stomach healthy. 

 (3) Although the action of this asana is the exact opposite of breathing, the function of both is to give complete rest to the body. 

 (4) If there is any injury to the back or spinal cord, it is possible to do this asana instead of breathing.  

6.Opposite Matsyasana 

 In the opposite position of Matsyasana, i.e. lying on the floor, this asana is done in the same way as Matsyasana  Hence this asana is called 'Opposite Matsyasana'.  This asana is also called. ''.  

.Opposite Matsyasana 6 Yoga Asanas That Promise To Reduce Belly Fat
                      Opposite Matsyasana


 (1) First sleep on the left cushion.  Keep both feet in the position of Padmasana.

 (2) Then lie down on your back so that your chest and abdomen touch the ground.

 (4) Hold the toes of that part with the index and toes of both hands. 

 (5) Breathe slowly.  Hold thisą¤¦ positions for eight to ten seconds. 

 (6) Initially do this asana for only eight to ten seconds for a few days.  Gradually increase the time to ten minutes. 


 (1) Regular practice of this asana makes the chest full.  The lungs become stronger and stronger.  The spinal cord benefits more with less effort. 

 (2) The neck joints, as well as the small and large joints and muscles of the body, get a lot of exercises;  So they become more efficient. 

 (3) Diseases like constipation, flatulence, indigestion, indigestion, colds, flatulence, tuberculosis, asthma, nausea, and diarrhea are eliminated.

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