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Friday 19 March 2021

Introduction to Yoga | Meditation

Yoga Se Hi Hogan

 Yogasane: Importance, Rules, and Classification 

Yogasane: Importance, Rules and Classification

One act of keeping the inner and outer parts of the body healthy, that is, 'Yogasanas', as long as these parts are not healthy, no work can be done well because body and mind are closely related to each other.  If one of these is neglected, the other will not be able to stay healthy, so, thousands of years ago, the Greeks recognizes 'A sound mind in a sound body, and this whole method of teaching was based on this principle.  

The excrement and waste products produced in the body due to daily movements and food are excreted from the body in seven ways as follows: (1) Left-right nostrils (2) Left-right eye (3) Left-Right ear (4) Mouth (5) Anus  (6) through the genitals and (7) through the skin.  If these seven ways of excretion are not excreted adequately and regularly from the body, then many types of diseases are possible.  Due to yogasanas, defects like excrement, etc. are regularly excreted from the body in the above seven ways and thus the body remains completely healthy. 

 Importance of Yogasana: Yogasana method is more beneficial than other methods of exercise.  The reasons for this are as follows:

 (1) In other forms of exercise, the internal organs of the body do not get the proper amount of exercise;  But yogasanas also provide adequate exercise to the internal parts of the body.  As a result, a person can live a long and healthy life due to yogasanas.

  (2) Yoga requires very limited space and limited resources.

  (3) Other exercise methods often require a partner, but in yoga, a person can do asanas alone.

  (4) Yogasanas have more effect on the human mind and other senses than any other form of exercise.  That is why the inner strength of the human mind develops, which can control the mind and the senses.

  (5) There is no need for more food in Yogasana.  So there is no special cost.

(6) Due to yogasanas, feces and other wastes are properly excreted from the body. As a result, the body's immune system is strengthened and the body becomes immune.

 (7) Yogasanas make the body flexible. It creates excitement in the body, increases the power to work, and brightens the radiance of man.

 (8) Blood in different capillaries of the body can be purified through different yogasana.

 (9) Yoga and Pranayama increase blood circulation and purify the blood to a great extent.

 (10) The youth and health of a person depend on the flexibility of the spinal cord. We can keep the spine flexible with the help of asanas.

 (11) Yoga uses very little energy; So don’t feel too tired; Therefore, yogasanas are called 'non-violent actions'.

 (12) Yoga makes a person charismatic.

 (13) Yogasanas bring peace of mind and increase mental strength and develop intellect.

 (14) Through yogasanas, different glands in the bodywork and the right amount of saliva are produced in those glands. This sava is mixed in the blood and balanced development of the body takes place.

 (15) Yoga and pranayama can cure constipation, flatulence, diabetes, high blood pressure, hernia, and headaches.

 (16) Physical and mental development are achieved through yogasanas; Apart from that, spiritual development is also possible.

 (17) Older men and women can also do yoga. This exercise method is all Indian. This method has been adopted by our sages for thousands of years. Therefore, they could live a long and healthy life. 

 (18) Yogasanas strengthen the heart and spinal cord and increase their efficiency. The mind gets satisfaction and peace.

(19) Regular practice of yogasanas gives more relaxation to the body and mind in less time.  Properly covered, it will withstand plenty of adverse conditions. 

 (20) There is no impurity in the body of a person who practices yoga regularly.  As a result, her mind is always calm and happy.  Useful Instructions To get the expected benefits from Yogasanas, 

It is advisable to follow the following instructions:

 (1) Yoga should be done in the morning after defecation.  Better if you can do yoga after bathing;  Because after bathing the body becomes light and happy.  So the seats can be done easily.  If you want to take a bath after yogasanas, use hot water instead of cold water.  Yoga can also be done before dinner in the evening.

  (2) The place to do yoga should be flat, clean, well-ventilated - light and quiet. Sataranji should be done in such a place and yoga should be done on it.

  (3) When doing yoga, dress according to the season.  Diapers, panties or shorts for men and Punjabi dress or slacks for women are more suitable.

  (4) Do not speak while doing yoga.  The person doing the asana should focus on the breathing as well as the part of the body where the pressure is on.  If you do yoga with concentration, the physical and mental benefits are greater.

  (5) Before starting yoga, the body and mind should be calmed (stabilized) by breathing. 

 (6) Even some compound actions that may seem difficult at first may be achieved with regular practice.  The seeker must decide for that.

  (7) Yogasana is a non-violent form of action;  So, do not do asanas by jerking or pushing the body. 

 (8) The practice of yogasanas should be gradually increased.  Doing so makes the body flexible and can achieve the full position of the seat in a short period of time.

(9) Regularity is required in practice. Irregularities can cause damage.

 (10) Yogasana is a science-based process. It is related to the inner and outer parts of the body. Therefore, one should learn under the guidance of a knowledgeable person and then do yoga.

 (11) The one who does yoga should eat light food as much as possible, so his body will also remain light.

 (12) Yoga should not be done when there is a lot of fever, or when the body is diseased. Women should not do yoga after four months of pregnancy, as well as up to three months after delivery and during menstruation. Women-seekers should not do yoga, which puts full weight on the muscles of the hands, without any practice.

 (13) The number of yogasanas and the time allotted for them should be gradually increased. Do not insist on doing too many seats on the first day.

 (14) Do not make any haste incoming from the initial position of any yogasana to the final position and from the final position to the initial position. 

 (15) After doing yoga, breathe for a while. Shavasana is a complete seat. As a result, fatigue in the body disappears and energy is transmitted.

 (16) If you do not feel tired after doing yoga, your body feels light, and your energy to work increases, then it should be considered that you can do yoga well. 

 (17) Yoga should not be done with a sense of competition or a desire for ostentation. There is no benefit from such yogasanas.

 (18) Impulse of urine and feces should not be stopped before, during, or after doing yoga.

 (19) The mind must be calm while doing yoga. 

 (20) If for some reason yoga has been discontinued for a long period of time, then it should be started slowly while starting again. Then gradually increase it.

(21) While doing yoga, it is necessary to do yogic actions with certain bows.  Information on this sequence should be sought from an informed person.  In general, the practice of yoga should go from the gross to the subtle.  Thus the compound purification should be done initially.  Then practice yoga, mudra and pranayama.  Lastly, sit for chanting and meditation.  Not only this, with the help of yoga you can do wonders. 

 (22) Yoga should be done with full faith, from the heart.

  Classification of Yogasanas To make yoga easier to understand and to be practiced better, Yogasanas have been classified in this book as follows:  

(1) Seated seats

 (2) Leaning on the ground 

(3) Leaning on the ground (4) Seats on the hands (5) Seats on the knees (6) Seats on the feet (7) Seats on the head.

Introduction to Yoga | Meditation

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