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Saturday 27 March 2021

What Is Pranayama & Benefits ?

What is Pranayama?

What Is Pranayama & Benefits ?

 Introduction to Pranayama

Ancient Ayurveda of India has a strong connection with modern medicine.  Because of this, not only in India but also in Western countries, many people have turned to pranayama.  There is no doubt that regular pranayama has health benefits.  The total amount of air that a person in a state of rest breathes in is called 'tidal volume'.  Not all of this air travels to the lungs, as part of it is trapped in a cavity known as the 'dead space', like the trachea.  The total supply of air inhaled by a person who does not do any work is about 500 cubic cm, while the 'dead space' is about 150 cubic cm.  As a result, the fresh air reaching the lungs does not exceed 350 cubic cm.  This means that the proportion is only 70%.  Long breaths are taken during pranayama.  This greatly increases the tidal volume of air and the air rises to about 3,000 cubic cm.  Therefore, the amount of fresh air entering the lungs is 95% instead of 70%.  In this case, the importance of dead space does not remain.  The lungs get more oxygen. 

 ** "Exhalation" is the second part of pranayama. Its effect on the body is worth knowing. When we exhale at rest, not all the air comes out.  This means that the amount of fresh air is only 350 cubic cm, which means that the rate of air exchange in the lungs is on average 21%. In short, it is preferable to exhale as much air as possible through pranayama.  More fresh air will be available for the alveolus. The exhalation should be longer, which increases the partial pressure of oxygen in the lungs.  More clearly If you want to know, consider the example of carbon dioxide that is pressed into soft drinks.

 *** The benefits of getting more oxygen to the body are understandable;  But what about the biochemical processes that take place in the body?  First of all, it is necessary to remove the misconceptions in the minds of the people about this.  It is a misconception that the more oxygen (O,) is added to the blood, the more oxygen the body's cells receive.  Mammals use as much oxygen as their body's metabolic system needs, no matter how much pure oxygen is provided instead of natural air.  The basic benefit of pranayama is different.  Each 0 molecule of oxygen (O, not a molecule, but an atom of 0) has 6 electromagnetic atoms in its outer orbit.  But in this orbit, there is space for 8 electric atoms.  Two 'seats' are empty.  That is why two atoms of hydrogen, which have one electron, form water when they come in contact with oxygen.  But oxygen is also ready to give up six electrons in the outer orbit.  After this, the satisfied free radicals do not bother the cells again.  The increase in the life span of cells due to pranayama is a major benefit of pranayama, which the seeker is more likely to be unaware of.  ** Meaning of Pranayama: The literal meaning of 'Pranayama' is 'control of the soul'.

Benefits of Pranayama: 

(1) Pranayama reduces body posture and fat.  

(2) Pranayama prolongs youth, enhances and eliminates mood disorders, 

(3) Regular pranayama makes the stomach, liver, bladder, intestines, and intestines as well as the digestive system function.

(4) The nerves in the body become pure and disappear completely,

 (5) With regular practice, gastritis is ignited, the inner voice of the body, Sudan,  Anil can be heard, 

(6) The body of knowledge becomes very efficient, the mind becomes calm and stable, Increases the concentration of the three minds.

 (7) Spiritual power increases. Therefore, spiritual bliss was attained, 

(8)peace of mind is obtained and self-realization takes place.

 (9) According to Yogavidya, for meditation, perception, and samadhi, the seeker must not be sought. This important work is well accomplished by pranayama, 

(10) Thoughts that constantly come to mind are a hindrance to spiritual progress, not only that, but these vain thoughts are also harmful to mental health, if practiced properly, these vain thoughts are reduced or stopped. Come. In this way, spiritual growth and mental health can be maintained. 

 (11) The endocrine system remains healthy, balanced, and functioning. As a result, it helps in the health of the person.

 (12) Increases the efficiency of the respiratory system. 

 (13) Vitality develops.

 (14) Pranayama is not only useful for breathing, but also for controlling the effects of the Pancha Mahabhutas on the body and mind.

 (15) A person who does pranayama regularly becomes disease-free, long-lived, and powerful.

 (16) Pranayama alleviates anxiety, fear, anxiety, anger, depression, lust, etc. Not only this, with the increase in the capacity of the brain, the mental power of man also develops.

(17) Awakening of the center of the brain leads to the experience of divinity in life. The person is always enthusiastic. 

 (18) A person's mind is always pure and happy.

 (19) Man can lead his mind beyond the limits of ordinary experience, attains the highest knowledge, and attains the state of meditation.

 (20) Man's inner spiritual light, happiness, and peace of mind continue to develop. 

 Note: Pranayama may seem like a simple matter, but it needs to be studied carefully; This is because if pranayama is not practiced properly, it can have adverse effects.

 Therefore, the seeker should strictly follow the instructions given below:

 (1) There should be an airy and very quiet place for pranayama.

 (2) Pranayama should always be done in the morning. Morning is the best time for pranayama. But if for some occasion it is not possible, then it is okay to do pranayama in the evening.

 (3) To do pranayama, a meeting of Padmasana or Siddhasana should be held. But if it is difficult to sit in this position for a long time, then you should take any sitting position in which you can sit still for a long time.

 (4) For pranayama to be done well, it is necessary to purify the pulse That is why it is said that; "Pranayama is practiced only after pulse purification." That is, pranayama should be practiced only after pulse purification. For this, one should first study the asana. 

 (5) Pranayama should be done daily at a fixed time, regularly, and on an empty stomach. If you take a cup of milk ten minutes after practice, it will be useful.

 (6) Do not do pranayama till you get tired. After doing pranayama, the mind should be happy and the body should become energetic. 

 (7) Do not take bath immediately after pranayama. Take a bath after half an hour of rest.

(8) Patanjali has said that breathing should be done very slowly while doing pranayama. By doing so, the mind becomes stable and calm. 

 (9) New seekers should initially practice only supplements and laxatives for a few days. One and two doses should be calculated in the supplement and laxative respectively. This means that the supplement should be laxative twice as long as you do it. 

 (10) Gradually increase the time of the potter. Initially, practice holding your breath for four seconds in the first week, eight seconds in the second week, and twelve seconds in the third week. Practice holding your breath for as long as possible, thus increasing the time. 

 (11) While practicing Purak, Kumbhak and Rechka, take care not to suffocate or feel tired under any circumstances. 

(12) For Purak, Kumbhak and Rechka, keep the ratio 1: 4: 2. Breathe until you say an omkar. Hold your breath until you say four omkars and exhale saying two omkars. Increase it to 2: 8: 4 in the second week and 3: 12: 6 in the third week to 16: 64: 32. Use the fingers of the left hand to measure Omkar. After a lot of practice, you don't have to count the fingers. This proportion is accustomed to habit. 

 (13) There will be a few mistakes in the beginning; But don’t worry about them. Don't give up on practicing without fear of repercussions, gradually you will automatically learn how to maintain supplements, potions, and laxatives; And your intellect, intuition, and inner voice will show you the way to success.

 (14) 'Suryabhedan' and 'Ujjayi' pranayama should be done in cold weather. 'Sitkari' and 'Shitali' pranayama should be done only in summer. 'Bhastrika' pranayama should be done in all seasons. 

 (15) The body should be as loose as possible while doing pranayama.

 (16) At the time of pranayama, the mind should be calm and cheerful.

(17) Do not rush while doing pranayama. Everything should be done slowly, patiently, and carefully.

 (18) There should be no stress on the organs like the mouth, eyes, nose, etc. during pranayama. Complete action should be done easily. While doing pranayama, all the limbs like the neck, spine, chest, etc. should be kept rigid.

 (19) Pranayama is not completed in the beginning, but considering your physical and mental capacity, gradually do as much pranayama as possible.

 (20) If you do regular pranayama with patience, you can get the right benefit from it. 

 (21) Do not move the body while practicing pranayama. The mind also becomes unstable if the body moves as it pleases.

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