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Thursday 25 March 2021

5 Best Yoga Poses | Asanas For Weight Loss

How yoga helps in reducing weight?

Yoga may be a graceful exercise and reducing weight needs rigorous energy to burn the very fact. Both are paradoxical but, but do rhymes once dug at heart. because it doesn’t burn more calories, it's forever an issue how to promote yoga for weight loss. Practicing yoga is useful both for your mind and body. It creates the simplest version of you that you simply have always dreamed of. The postures of Yoga could be sedentary but does magic in your body.

 1.  Mandukasana

    The body shape looks like a frog while doing this asana.  Hence this seat is called 'Mandukasan'.  

5 Best Yoga Poses | Asanas For Weight Loss

 (1) Fold both legs and move backward in such a way that the toes will touch each other.

  (2) Keep the knees as far apart as possible.  Place the hands as shown in the picture. 

 (3) Keep the body straight from the waist up. 

 (4) Keep your eyes open and continue your natural breathing. 

 (5) Hold this position for eight to twelve seconds.  Initially do this asana twice a week for a few days and then four times. 


(1) This asana helps in reducing the weight of thighs, buttocks, and abdomen. 

 (2) This asana helps in strengthening the lower part of the waist of men and women. 

 (3) Increases male sexual potency and eliminates female genital complaints.  Also, improves digestion. 

 (4) The benefits of Padmasana also come from this asana.


 '' Pashchimottanasana is also called 'Ugrasana'.  The word 'Ugra' means 'Shiva'.  Lord Shiva is considered to be the destroyer.  Hence it is known as ‘rough’ or ‘terrible’. 

Pashchimottanasana 5 Best Yoga Poses | Asanas For Weight Loss... Paschimottanasana


 (1) Sit on the ground with legs extended.  Keep the legs stiff.

 (2) Bend forward from the waist and hold the toes with both toes as well as the first and middle fingers. 

 (3) Now exhale and then slowly bend the head so that it touches both knees with both hands.  Pull the abdomen inwards while bending down;  So you can bend down easily. 

 (4) People whose spine is flexible tend to bend their head at the first attempt.  Obese people find this seat difficult.  It will take a period of fifteen days to a month for a person with a spinal cord injury to achieve this position. 

 (5) This asana should be done for 5 seconds for a few days in the beginning.  But once it starts to thicken, do it for 30 seconds to 10 minutes.


 (1) It is a very useful seat.  This asana leads to breathing through Brahmanadi and Sushumna.  Also, this asana causes gastritis. 

 (2) It reduces belly fat.

 (3) Organs like stomach, bladder, stomach, gall bladder, etc. become functional. 

 (4) Accelerates bowel contraction and proliferation.  It improves digestion. 

 (5) Constipation, indigestion, pancreatic diseases, and anorexia-like disorders are removed. 

 (6) Joints become flexible.  The back pain stops. 

  (7) The body becomes curvy and slender.  

  (8) Leg muscles become stronger. 

  (9) Asthma is cured.

 (10) All parts of the waist are pressed and freed.  Therefore, this seat is useful in terms of eliminating genital disorders in women. 

 (11) This causes fresh blood to circulate in the spinal cord and muscles.  

(12) It has a wonderful effect on the blood vessels in the brain.  This helps in relieving all the stress on the head and maintaining mental balance.

3Ardha Matsyendrasana 

'** Ardha means half.  I mean, it's half a seat.  This asana was named 'Matsyendrasana' after Matsyendranath, who was first taught by the seekers of Hatha Yoga.  It is believed that Matsyendranath was a disciple of Lord Shiva.

5 Best Yoga Poses | Asanas For Weight Loss


(1) Fold the right foot into the cavity and press the heel of the foot tightly between the anus and Krishna, the heel should not move from there.

(2) then bend the left foot into the knee and the left ankle should come close to the knee of the right foot.

(3) vertical  On the bent left knee, move the armpit of the right hand

(4) then the left knee backward in such a way that it touches the back of the armpit.  Now hold the toe of the left foot with the right hand.

 (5) Then bend the spine to the left as much as possible by placing the load on the shoulder joint of the right hand.  

(6) Turn the face as far to the left as possible, bringing the face to the line of the left-hand shoulder if possible. 

 (7) After this he moved his left hand behind his back and bent his left leg.  Keep the spine very stiff, 

 (8) Stay in this position for five to fifteen seconds.  In this way, the spine can be turned to the right.  This posture strengthens the spine by twisting both limbs.


 (1) This asana stimulates gastritis and improves digestion. 

 (2) Kundalini is awakened and the lunar pulse is fixed 

 (3) The spine becomes flexible and the abdominal muscles and limbs get exercise. 

 (4) the roots and blood of the nerves in the spinal cord are drawn;  So their work continues smoothly. 

 (5) This seat is helpful for Paschimottanasana. 

 (6) This seat is useful for maintaining the health of the spinal cord. 

 (7) This seat is beneficial for indigestion and constipation.


 Mayura is called 'Peacock' in Sanskrit.  In this position the weight of the whole body is weighed on both hands;  So the body shape looks like a peacock standing on two legs without feathers.  Hence this asana is called 'Mayurasana'.  This seat is a little difficult to achieve.  Only those whose body is flexible and efficient can do this seat well.

MAYURASANA 5 Best Yoga Poses | Asanas For Weight Loss


 (1) First get wet on the knees.  Keep a short distance between the two knees.  Lean forward and lean on the ground with both hands and toes pointing towards the feet.  Place both hands in the space between the two knees.  The fingers of both hands should be kept close together and the thumbs should rest on the ground.  [See Figure No. (1).  ] 

(2) Keep both hands steady.  Then slowly bend the arms at the corners.  Please bring the corners of both hands to the side of the abdomen.  The base near the bembi was supported by the corners and the part from the head to the head was lifted up.  [See picture number (2).  ]

 (3) Then lift the head resting on the toes and give natural curvature to the body on the corners of the hands.  This is the first stage of Mayurasana.  [See picture number (3).  ] 

MAYURASANA 5 Best Yoga Poses | Asanas For Weight Loss

(4) Mayurasana: Second stage

(4) Now lift both legs so that they are parallel to the ground.  If it is difficult to lift both legs at once, then lift one leg first.  Then lift the second leg and bring it closer to the first leg.  Make sure that the body does not jerk when stretching the legs.  Now bend the front of the body slightly below the head.  So the hind legs can be straightened very easily and lifted up, this is where the sitting position is completed.  In this state, the head, back, buttocks, thighs, legs, and buttocks are parallel to the ground and in a straight line.  [See picture number (4).  ] 

(5) Hold this position for five to twenty seconds.  Hold your breath while lifting on the body.  This will create a kind of force in the body, (6) Exhale after completing the asana.  Obese people should take special care while doing this asana.  Strong people can do this seat for two to three minutes.


 (1) This asana gives good exercise in less time and creates a kind of vigor in the body.  This asana is a surefire way to improve digestion.  

(2) Disorders caused by increased gas, bile, and phlegm are eliminated by this asana.  Practicing it can help control diabetes and stop bleeding from hemorrhoids.

 (3) Hand muscles become stronger.  Constipation disappears.  Also, Kundalini is awakened.

 (4) Regular practice increases the pressure on the upper abdomen.  This creates a new vitality in the lungs and abdominal organs.  It also destroys many heart disorders.

 (5) Increases blood circulation.  It purifies the blood.  Blood purification makes the body radiant.  The radiance of the body was radiant. 

 (6) Since fat is prevented from forming in the body, the body does not become fat. 

 (7) Practicing this asana increases respiration.  It also increases balance.  

 (8) Reduces belly fat.


 In this position, the body shape looks like a bow;  Hence this seat is called 'Dhanurasana'.  The body from the knees to the head bends like a bow at the back.  Also, the legs are pulled up as both hands want to hold the ankle area.  This makes the arms and legs below the knees look like the strings of a bow.  Hence the name 'Dhanurasana'.  This seat is a mixture of Bhujangasana and Shalabhasana.  In fact, this seat made up of Bhujangasana and Shalabhasana is very beneficial for the bodies.  The opposite of Halasana and Paschimottanasana is due to this Asantrayi.  

Dhanurasana 5 Best Yoga Poses | Asanas For Weight Loss



(1) First lie down on your stomach.  Lean your forehead on the ground.  Hold both hands close.  Relax all the muscles of the body. 

 (2) Fold the legs back from the knees.  Now lift your arms and hold the ankles of both feet with both hands as shown in the picture.

 (3) Lift the chest and head.  Chest swell. 

 (4) Keep your arms straight and upright.  Keep the legs stiff too.  This will create a beautiful convex arch of the body.  Now pull on the legs.  Along with that, the hands will also be pulled and the chest will be lifted even higher.  Hold your breath.

  (5) Wait for ten to fifteen seconds in this position.  Then exhale slowly. 

 (6) Gently move the bowed body forward-backward and left-right.  Exercise the body lightly. 

 (7) This seat should be done so that there will be no trouble.  Do this asana five or six times a day.

  Note: In this asana, the weight of the body falls on the circular area around the navel on the abdomen.  This should be done while the stomach is empty.  


(1) This asana gives a good massage to the abdomen.  It helps in relieving chronic constipation, indigestion, and various stomach ailments.

  (2) With regular practice, the hunchback of the back disappears;  Also, arthritis of the legs, knees, and hands disappears.

(3) This seat reduces fat.  Makes the intestines functional and helps improve digestion.  It also supplies a lot of blood to the abdominal organs.  So they become healthy and strong. 

 (4) Doing this asana increases respiration.  

(5) Regular practice of this asana gives the benefit of both Bhujangasana and Shalabhasana. 

 (6) This seat is an elixir for various disorders of gases and intestines.  

(7) Like Halasana, this seat makes the spine flexible.  Also, the bones become stronger.  This posture makes the pancreas function and the body produces enough insulin.  

(8) Individuals who regularly perform Halasana, Mayurasana, and Surasana; never get lazy.  Those people are always energetic and active.  They are full of enthusiasm and vigor. 

 (9) This posture is very beneficial for women, as it eliminates menstrual irregularities and reproductive system complaints

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